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You're running a little bit, but you want to run more! ...and you're not quite sure how to make that happen. It's time for "base-building"! This plan is specifically designed for newer runners or low volume runners to build their volume from 5 miles per week (8 km/1hr20 per week) to 20 miles per week (32 km/3h15 per week) over a 16-week progressive training cycle!


This plan begins with 3 runs per week + cross-training, building to 4 runs per week + cross-training, along with strides, hill sprints, and suggested lower body and core strength training routines.


This plan contains 3 VERSIONS of the 16- schedule: miles, kilometers, and time-based. 


This plan is a downloadable PDF and is nonrefundable.

Base-Building: 5 to 20 miles per week (8-32 km)


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